On 18/04/2009, R P Herrold <herr...@centos.org> wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Apr 2009, Alan Bartlett wrote:
>  > At present, Ralph is not around. He should be present and take part in
>  > this discussion. Does anyone know of his whereabouts and / or when he
>  > will be back?
>  >
>  > Perhaps Russ could please comment, re: Range?
> Alan, Phil, John
>  Please step away from the keyboard this weekend.  Work on a
>  stamp collection. exercise, talk without a TV or computer on
>  with members of family or friends.
>  This is NOT Fedora and snap decision land.  This is CentOS,
>  where our goal is a API upstream literal, trademark elided
>  enterprise ready and enterprise lifespan product, with a
>  differing approach on the updater.  We do NOT have a place in
>  our core mission for pushing the bleeding edge.
>  I have no public knowledge as to Range's present whereabouts
>  and personal circumstance, and if I had such, would not
>  discuss them on a publicly archived mailing list.  I would
>  consider that to be a violation of his personal privacy.  To
>  the extent that he has chosen to update a limited access
>  tracking mechanism which parts of the CentOS core team use, I
>  would in no event discuss it.
>  Not all questions need an immediate answer; artificial
>  deadlines will not find a friend in me.  I tried to say that
>  gently earlier today as to my approach in discussing my email
>  clearing goals.  I saw the negative results of 'snap' IRC and
>  overnight decisions with the old fedora.us -- I will not be a
>  part of repeating that error.  It does not hurt my feelings a
>  bit to take a week, or a month, or a year to get to a
>  correct answer, rather than to rush to error.


Please do not pontificate.

Please re-read what I have written and comprehend it.

I decline to correct your misinterpretations, step by step, but please
do not bring irrelevances such as Fedora into view nor take a pompous,
indeed arrogant, attitude that when asked about Ralph, you decide to
play on "privacy". A simple "I don't know" or a "Currently on a 'n'
week vacation" would have been an appropriate answer.

And, finally, when are you going to correct the "-- Russ herrold"
signature block on all your mails? Quite honestly, it give the
impression of a person who is slipshod and sloppy in all that he does.

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