On Tue, 2009-05-05 at 20:59 +0400, Lev Shamardin wrote:
> Hi,
> On 05/05/2009 08:39 PM, JohnS wrote:
> >> http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Install_On_Partitionable_RAID1
> > ---
> > "If you need to update the mkinitrd package some time later and the bug
> > with partitionable raid detection will not be fixed yet, you will need
> > to reapply the patch to mkinitrd and recreate the initrd after update."
> > 
> > Any idea on when this bug will be fixed?
> No idea.
> > Maybe add a yum exclude = mkinitrd for now to the article so someone
> > does not get bitten by it?
> It's already there, check step 11.
I am blind...Disable updating mkinitrd rpm with yum, append 


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