On Fri, 2009-06-19 at 08:46 -0400, Phil Schaffner wrote:
> JohnS wrote:
> ...
> > Hmm I think I have a script somewhere that will do that. Pretty nice.
> Would be a good addition if you would care to contribute.
> > What's the reason for fat16? Why not ext2,3? Just curious.
> None that I know of.  Just a choice made by the guy on the CentOS Users 
> ML - John Doe - that is credited with the approach.  Can look into it 
> more, but "if it ain't broke..."

Then don't fix it.

> As I said in the draft, haven't had time to test this myself yet, got to 
> free up a big enough device, and get a "round tuit".  More changes will 
> undoubtedly be coming from that, and John Doe's additional comments on 
> the Users list that have not been incorporated yet, and naturally from 
> constructive criticism here.

No criticism here..


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