Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 8:34 AM, Christopher Chan
>> But before we go on, may I ask what is the purpose of the Centos Wiki?
> That is a good question. IM not so HO it should contain documentation
> which gets people going with things on CentOS. Which is a very broad
> view.

Broad views are good IMHO as I think it's easier to address on a case by 
case basis largely as this list does at present by asking to see and 
discussing proposed documentation.

> Because people will *always* look for documentation on CentOS venues
> first before even thinking about going to the sendmail.org webpage,
> for example.
> That is one of the reasons why people like Distributions like Ubuntu,
> Arch and Gentoo - their documentation is rather extensive.
> Ralph

Agreed :)

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