Am 01.11.09 22:35, schrieb Mathieu Baudier:
> Hello,


> - I configured a fairly recent MacBook Pro with CentOS v5.4 x86_64 and
> thought that I may update the page
> or add a new page for MacBook Pro
> under the Mac section of the HowTos
> (

Hmmm. Or in the Laptop section? :)

I'd say: If it adds to the general Mac section (meaning other Mac users
will also be able to take advantage of that), it should be added to the
MacTel section. If it is too special, it should get its own page.

> - I also configured successfully Adobe Flash 64bit and Skype (not very
> difficult: just download and it works, but still it could be good to
> show that these works, since they often block the acceptation of
> Linux)

Under TipsAndTricks, probably?

> - I built the open source first person shooter game AssaultCube and it
> works pretty well (better than on Fedora on the same machine), and I
> took notes on the dependencies. Not very "enterprise", but still... :)

Tsk :)

Package it and inject it into one of the third party repos, I'd say!


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