On 2 May 2010 16:23, Eduardo Grosclaude <eduardo.groscla...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 10:58 AM, Alan Bartlett <a...@elrepo.org> wrote:
>> I've had my final read-through and made seven minor changes - one of
>> which is the result of Eduardo's nit-pick!
> Ouch! I did not make my point. My nit to pick was that *autumn* is not
> everywhere at the same time :D.
> A great number of Spanish-speaking readers of Pulse will be South
> American residents. For them (for us), referring to seasons is
> US-centric; referring to mo/ye is universal.

/me utters "D'oh!" and goes to hide . . .

Perhaps Didi would like to make it "Quarter 3, 2009".

> But hey, 1) you're the author, and 2) I've never heard Australians
> complain about this anyway :D

>> Sorry, Timothy & Eduardo. Once your tweaked your versions, please let
>> Didi know and the issue will then be released.

> I'm done, Didi.

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