Ed Heron wrote on 05/27/2010 04:27 PM:
> On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 10:30 -0400, Phil Schaffner wrote:
>> Proposed new page for comment:
>> http://wiki.centos.org/TipsAndTricks/InstallFromGRUB
>> Phil
> I suggest adding links to some supporting documentation.  For example,
> you could add a prerequisites section saying this technique or trick
> requires the install media available, either on the network or on the
> local disk.  Instructions for setting up the install media on the
> network can be found in the Installation guide, chapter 2.5 Preparing
> for a Network Installation
> http://centos.org/docs/5/html/5.2/Installation_Guide/s1-steps-network-installs-x86.html
> Instructions for putting the install media on the local disk can be
> found in the Installation guide, chapter 2.6 Preparing for a hard drive
> Installation
> http://centos.org/docs/5/html/5.2/Installation_Guide/ch02s06.html
> It looks like the version 5.2 docs are the most recent on the centos.org
> site.


Thanks for the suggestion.  For a short Tips page I'm reluctant to add 
too much, and also don't like linking to the obsolete docs.  Feel free 
to edit the page if you feel differently. :-)

OT: So what's happening with updating docs?

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