Am 04.03.11 17:06, schrieb Andreas Rogge:
> I'm currently porting the public and free parts of Red Hat Documentation 
> to CentOS.
> Being unable to do anything graphics-related, I need someone to provide 
> the following images:
> logo.svg      300x140 CentOS Logo
> image_left.png        124x39  CentOS Logo
> image_right.png       120x41  CentOS Documentation Logo (to be designed)

a) and b) shouldn't be a problem, Ican do those tomorrow. Regarding c) -
for what is that needed? How does that look within RHEL? Probably can do
one too, but need to know what it stands for :)

Sorry for the late reply, wasn't really there over the weekend.

Regards and thanks,

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