On 05/03/2011 02:31 PM, Steve Barnes wrote:
> G'day
> Further to a little discussion on #centos-social IRC, I'd like to put 
> together a wiki page that describes the steps required to lock-down the ports 
> used by NFS. I expect it'll be quite short, with
> details on which NFS related config files to edit and a short iptables 
> excerpt that covers the relevant ports to allow. I'm thinking this could go 
> under HowTos ->  Security?
> Unless there's a more suitable area, I can work on the initial scratch 
> version in my home page area (which I don't presently have permission to 
> edit).
I suggest to add the info to the already existing 
http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/OS_Protection page ( which should be 
renamed to something with "security" in name, I always need a couple of 
minutes to find this page if I do not have my bookmarks handy :)  )
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