On 06/03/2011 06:12 AM, Emmanuel Noobadmin wrote:
> I was following instructions in the wiki here
> http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/CreateLocalMirror
> to create a local mirror for testing VMs instead of hitting the public 
> mirrors.
> However, I could not mount the NFS share in the guest. Error logged on
> the host was:
> request to export an unmounted filesystem: /share
> After some googling, I found this discussion
> http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=311075
> which indicates that the problem is with this part in the wiki:
> cat>>  /etc/exports
> /share,mountpoint)
> The option "mountpoint" should not be specified for a directory.
> I was able to mount the NFS share after removing it. Could somebody
> else verify and update the wiki if confirmed?

Would you have respected the recipe ad litteram ( i.e. use /share as 
mount point instead of /mnt ) it would have worked without issues.
But I give you that, in the given context the monutpount restriction is 
probably not needed.

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