
        I do not proactively review pages. I will send future fixes to this 
list, and you can decide if/when you want to grant direct access to update.



On Feb 10, 2013, at 12:38 PM, Ralph Angenendt <ralph.angene...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 01.02.2013 20:49, Chris Pepper wrote:
>> Hello,
>>      I am a happy CentOS user who has noticed some typos on the wiki (I sent 
>> one to Akemi yesterday). I would like to fix these directly, rather than 
>> sending email to someone else for each change. Is this possible? FWIW, I'm a 
>> committer on the ASF's httpd-docs project, although I am not currently 
>> active there.
>>      My CentOS wiki username is ChrisPepper.
> Hmm. As a rule we don't give out wiki wide editing rights directly, but
> would like to have a "testfield" (one or two pages) first.
> Can you find someone advocating for you? (Akemi?)
> Cheers,
> Ralph

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