este es el post original en ingles

Greetings CentOS developers, users, and addicts!

As per earlier post, a CentOS 5

linux text

install does install just fine using *only* the 1st CD (1 out of 6) if you
go to custom software selection and deselect everything...

very sweet!!!

the same cannot be said of the default "just hit enter" GUI install...

(no, I am not knocking or putting down what we were just so graciously
handed by the developers)

BTW, thank you CentOS Developers!!!

You rock!

Very smooth install on an old DL360 with Dual 1.266 GHz processors and 4 Gig
DRAM, a 128M Smart Array 5304 caching controller and qty (2) 36.4 Gig 15000
rpm SCSI drives in hardware RAID1


I cannot believe how SNAPPY CentOS 5 is...


So excited, I just ordered some more multiprocessor toys to install it on
next week.

Thanks again!

On 4/13/07, Yoinier Hernandez Nieves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Donde se encuentra mas menos ese post??


Gonzalo M. Rios
Registered User LINUX #237889
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