On Thu, 2012-01-05 at 18:15 +0200, Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
> ... It depends heavily on the ending result . If you just need a fresh 
> machine, installing from fresh is ( was for me at least ) the fastest 
> way. OTOH when you also have a ton of additional applications (maybe not 
> all of them available as rpm packages) installed / configured... things 
> might be different.

  I can accept that custom applications might be easier to include
in images.  Creating a RPM or install script for a rarely installed
program may not make the top of the priority list.  However, if it is
installed identically on multiple systems, it could be converted to rpm
or a scripted install, which could be included in an automated clean
install.  As an example, I uuencode my current DHCP configuration, DNS
files, firewall rules and openvpn certificates into a kickstart file to
cleanly install my firewalls.  Each is different but is scripted, partly
in the scripts that create my kickstart files and partly in the
kickstart post section.

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