I used it and it works great.  From what I remember I have to check
sometimes that the xen kernel is still default.  There is also a work
around for something but I need to access my local at home docs for
the info.

On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Carlos Vasquez
<cvasq...@scratchspace.com> wrote:
> On 5/22/2014 9:11 AM, Steve Campbell wrote:
>> What exactly is the status of Xen and Centos 6.5?
>> Is it available to install and run on production machines?
>> I find a lot of how-to methods for installation on google, but is there
>> a standard recommended way to install this according to the Centos folk?
>> steve campbell
> Steve,
> I believe this is the currently recommended method:
> http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Xen/Xen4QuickStart
> --
> Regards,
>        Carlos
> -----------------------------
> Carlos Vasquez
> Tech Support
> ScratchSpace, Inc.
> http://www.scratchspace.com/
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