
Actually, we study virtualization on CentOS with Xen, our goal is to test if 
the migration of Xen with SLES 11 to CentsOS.

Our first tests are ok except for one problem and I don't find any solutions on 
the net. I hope, you can help me. 

The problem is that I can't connect to my vm desktop with Virt-Viewer. I follow 
the installation guide available for centos :
http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Xen/Xen4QuickStart and 
My CentOS is a fresh new install 6.5 with xen 4.2 and X11. 

>From Dom0, when I launch virt-manager, everything is ok. I can create a new vm 
>and the first time I connect to the virtual graphics without any problems. 
>But, if I close the desktop VM, I can't access anymore to the virtual desktop 
>of the VM, it is as if the graphics is freazing.The VM is still alive. What is 
>very strange is that I can connect directly with vnc client on :5900 
>port. I try to launch virt-manager with " --debug " option, but don't find any 
>interesting errors.

I've got the same problem if I remotely launch a virt-manager and connect with 
xen+ssh from another centos 6.5. 

But, I can still connect from a virt-manger launched from a Rh7RC or even from 
a SLES 11.3.

I think it becomes from virt-manager or libvirt which come with centos 6.5. I 
made update and I don't know what's wrong with my CentOS 6.5. Don't find any 
problems like this with Google !

Thank's for you help.


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