Does anyone know how to submit wishes to the EPEL Wishlist here?

It reads "Immutable Page".

They say: "Please add packages that are part of Fedora but lack a EPEL 
maintainer to this list", but there is no way to do that!

They don't say if "Packages part of Fedora" means "Core" or it can be Extras 
too, but packages obviously missing from RHEL (4 and 5) and castrating the KDE 
desktop include:
-- JuK (it was stripped off kdemultimedia);
-- Kaffeine;
-- gtk-qt-engine;

As a side note for AmaroK lovers: I am very happy with the simpler JuK on 
systems where I have it, and it *does* have a future, as it will be present in 
KDE4 too:

But Red Hat _hates_ KDE apps, and it even castrates official KDE packages such 
as kdemultimedia...


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