On Wednesday, June 27, 2007 9:02 PM -0700 Akemi Yagi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ahem, I know this is a CentOS mailing list.  BUT, as more and more
people migrate from FC to CentOS, I thought placing this reminder here
was worthwhile.  [I am still running *cough* FC5 on my own desktop, so
I am also running out of time]

For those of us migrating from ancient versions of Fedora, what gotchas might one expect?

I'm working on migrating from a pre-SELinux Fedora, and SELinux has been the biggest headache so far. I'm also expecting to migrate Dovecot from 0.99 to 1.0, and there's a page on the Dovecot wiki about that. I've seen the recent list traffic about BIND's lack of default config, so I'm expecting that, and it's not a problem.

My plan is to install CentOS to a new box, and migrate services one by one as needed.

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