On Fri, Aug 17, 2007 at 05:18:15PM +0100, Mário Gamito wrote:
>  Hi,
>  Sorry for the newbie question, I've been searching the CentOS site and 
>  googled, but I couldn't find an answer (probably my bad).
>  I want to install CentOS 4.5, but I'm having troubles with my CD reader.
>  How can I install it from an FTP server ?

If you already have a linux system, use LILO or Grub to boot the initrd
and vmlinuz:

No special boot arguments are required. The initrd should prompt you the
method for installation and then you specify the ftp install.

If you don't have linux already installed, but have Win9x or DOS, use
loadlin to boot.

Otherwise, use an USB boot pen.

Or try the smaller boot.iso, that may work better with your reader:


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