Server Gremlin wrote:
> Steve Rigler wrote:
>> On Tue, 2007-08-28 at 11:53 -0400, Server Gremlin wrote:
>>> Hello CentOS users,
>>>     Is there any sort of package tracking system for CentOS?
>>>     I'm used to Debian where I can view a changelog for each *Debian*
>>> specific package.  This is great because I can see specifically what
>>> has been fixed and what known issues remain from release to release
>>> in the Debian package, which is subtly different from the upstream
>>> release.  For instance, I can see what's changed from
>>> "apache2.1-debian.deb" to "apache2.2-debian.deb" by using the Debian
>>> Package Tracking System.  (I'm fudging the package names, but you get
>>> the idea).  Is there anything like that in CentOS?
>>> Thanks,
>>> - SG
>> Maybe this does what you want: "rpm -q 'package name' --changelog"
>> -Steve
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> Thanks guys, that is pretty much what I want.  But what if I want to see
> the changelog for a package that I don't have installed?  I'd like to
> look at the changelog for a package available via yum before I upgrade
> my existing package to it.  When I did a "rpm -q --changelog mypackage",
> that only showed changes up to my currently installed version.  (Which
> makes sense if this is just looking on my local machine, which I assume
> it is)
> Thanks,
> - SG

There is a yum plugin called changelog (yum-changelog) that can do this
in CentOS-5 ... the version for centos-4 does not work well ... the
version for centos-5 is much better.

yum install yum-changelog

Then ...

man yum-changelog

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