> I have never used NSF. I think it may be someting easy.>

> > below is the location of graphs (these graphs are on my firewall - ip is
> > ) i want to export it to webserver @
> >
> > /opt/polltc/polltc-1.05/eth1-1-tc.png
> > /opt/polltc/polltc-1.05/eth1-24-tc.png
> >
> > can U help me for the above.
> As you wish ;)
> On the server (firewall in your case) edit /etc/exports and add:
> /opt/polltc/polltc-1.05/

 YES, I did it.

(ro) will prevent NFS clients from writing to that location at server level

On the client (webserver) simply add similar line to /etc/fstab
> /graphs nfs defaults 0 0

YES, I did it.

/graphs must exist on clinet machine. Then point youd httpd to /graphs.

YES, I created it  as below

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# mkdir /graphs

Now, The question is how to mount it. Do i need to reboot both machines?

Or without rebooting, How to get it worked.

Thank you
Indunil Jayasooriya
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