On Sep 19, 2007, at 9:32 AM, James B. Byrne wrote:

I would like to burn the cd-rom iso's of CentOS-5.0 on my desktop machine, which is running CentOS-4.5. Is there a site or other reference that can
provide me with a detailed, hand held, step-by-step, blow-by-blow
description on how to do this for my installation?

i don't have such a guide at my fingertips, but try this procedure first:

1) open the File Browser and navigate to the directory containing the ISOs.
2) right-click on the first ISO.
3) select "Write to Disc..."
4) Make sure that your LG drive is selected in the "Write disc to:" field.
5) Insert a blank CD.
6) Click "Write".
7) Repeat for other ISOs.

more documentation on CD burning is here:



If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction. - Fabian, Twelfth Night, III,v

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