Jun Salen ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I have no problem running yum update inside the root prompt, but when
 running yum using sudo as logged-in as ordinary user and command the
 'sudo yum update', I am having below error:
> Could not retrieve mirrorlist
 http://apt.sw.be/redhat/el5/en/mirrors-rpmforge error was
> [Errno 4] IOError: <urlopen error (110, 'Connection timed out')>
> Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: rpmforge 
> This happened even I try to export my proxy server since where using
 them to connect internet. This is in a newly installed CentOS5 box. I
 also try to issue 'yum clean metadata' and  'yum clean all' but the
 problem still persists.  Can you please give me the clue on how to solve
> Thanks,
> junji
> aisalen.wordpress.com
> Linux Registered User #253162

Is this appening even if you put the proxy=http://<host>:<port>
 directive on 
/etc/yum.conf ?


Lorenzo Quatrini ----------------------------

Do you mean http_proxy=http://<host>:<port>? Yes, it still happens even after I 
try proxy=http://<host>:<port>. Sorry for the delay answer, due to long holiday.


Linux Registered User #253162

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