Christopher Chan wrote:
Paul Norton wrote:
Christopher Chan wrote:
Paul Norton wrote:
Postfix is dying on one of my servers almost nightly. This system is running CentOS5 with postfix-2.3.3-2.

In the morning (after noticing it died) I try to run `service postfix stop` and I get a failed start. Running `ps ax | grep postfix` I can see one process still running for postfix. After killing this, I am able to run `service postfix start`.

Which process is it? smtpd? master?


Do you sometimes find anvil missing? I wonder if you can strace master and see what it is doing or waiting for...

This happened again this morning. I see the anvil process died -

22815 ? Z 0:13 [anvil] <defunct>

# strace -p 22799
Process 22799 attached - interrupt to quit
futex(0xb7bc2bec, FUTEX_WAIT, 2, NULL <unfinished ...>

That's all there was from strace.

Paul Norton
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