On Nov 28, 2007 12:31 AM, Rogelio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My apologies if this question has been previously answered, but could
> anyone here provide me with resources that I might use to help build a
> case for exclusively using CentOS in an enterprise environment?
> (Approximately 200 servers)
> Long story short, I've used a little of everything out there
> (Gentoo/Debian/*BSD/Slackware) and have a fairly good overall strategy
> of how they all work (all of them have lived on my laptop at one time
> or another over the last 10 years or so), but I'm now looking for
> solid business reasons that I can present to the CxO types of a
> company to show them that CentOS is probably where they'd like to
> look.
> Reasons thus far I've come up with include:
> --free *and* "fully" (at least, in my experience) compatible with RHEL
> --fairly stable (I don't have problems unless I start mixing repos)
> --yum packages (almost as cool as Debian! Ok, I'm biased...or maybe I
> don't know how to properly use yum?)
> Any other suggestions / tips I might add to my list would be greatly
> appreciated!

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