On Wed, Nov 28, 2007 at 07:37:46PM -0500, Ugo Bellavance enlightened us:
>       There is a difference between the help of lvresize and its man page. 
> In the manpage, there is nothing about the -r or --resizefs function. 
> Centos4.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# lvresize
>   Please specify either size or extents (not both)
>   lvresize: Resize a logical volume
> lvresize
>         [-A|--autobackup y|n]
>         [--alloc AllocationPolicy]
>         [-d|--debug]
>         [-h|--help]
>         [-i|--stripes Stripes [-I|--stripesize StripeSize]]
>         {-l|--extents [+|-]LogicalExtentsNumber[%{VG|LV|FREE}] |
>          -L|--size [+|-]LogicalVolumeSize[kKmMgGtTpPeE]}
>         [-n|--nofsck]
>         [-r|--resizefs]
>         [-t|--test]
>         [--type VolumeType]
>         [-v|--verbose]
>         [--version]
>         LogicalVolume[Path] [ PhysicalVolumePath... ]

Filing a bug in the PNAELV's bugzilla would be much appreciated, I'm sure.
We can't fix it here.


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263
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