Alain Spineux wrote:
On Nov 29, 2007 4:21 PM, Ugo Bellavance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Alain Spineux wrote:
On Nov 29, 2007 6:59 AM, Ugo Bellavance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

        This is my current config:

/dev/md0 -> 200 MB -> sda1 + sdd1 -> /boot
/dev/md1 ->  36 GB -> sda2 + sdd2 -> form VolGroup00 with md2
/dev/md2 ->  18 GB -> sdb1 + sde1 -> form VolGroup00 with md1

sda,sdd -> 36 GB 10k SCSI HDDs
sdb,sde -> 18 GB 10k SCSI HDDs

I have added 2 36 GB 10K SCSI drives in it, they are detected as sdc and

What should I do if I want to optimize disk space?

The simplest solution would be to create /dev/md3 out of sdc1 and sdf1,
and add it to the VG, and increase the size of my /vz logical volume.

However, if I could convert that to a RAID5 (it could be possible to
re-install, but I would rather not), I could have 6 drives in RAID5, so
I'd have 5x36 GB (180) of space available total, instead of 3*36 (108).
180, you mean 2 X 5x18
Oh, I just realized I have 2X18 and 4X36.  I have 2 other 36 GB HDD
here.  Maybe I could have a 6x36 RAID5 this way.  Does it matter if I

drop the 2x18, to drop the 2x18 complexity,
or keep them in mirroring, and maybe on another VG,
to backup/store more critical data

Ok, but the server can only have 6 HDD.

So, first step, how would I replace the current 2X18 by the 2x36 that I put in the server yesterday?

(BTW thanks a lot for your help, it is very interesting)



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