On 30/11/2007, Matt Shields <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dump the cluste suite and use the LinuxVirtualServer.org packages.
> You won't have a gui, but it will be better in the long run.  We're
> using that for quite a few clusters and handling about 30MBit/s on
> each of the clusters, I think it's around 10k concurrent connections.

I also need to fail-over DRBD (i.e. so if the primary goes down the
secondary will notice this, mount that DRBD partition and start the
server which uses the files on it) - will LVS give me that by itself
or will I need something else on top of it to do that?
I got the impression that this what Linux-HA's heartbeat adds to the
plain LVS but it doesn't work for me.

I'm really not concerned about GUI's - I'd rather edit config files
manually if they are documented well enough.

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