On Sat, 2007-12-01 at 22:58 -0700, Joseph L. Casale wrote:
> >yum install postfix switch-mail
> >switch-mail #change to postfix
> >then you could probably remove sendmail (never tried)
> >
> >Craig
> Am I correct in assuming the latest version of sendmail from the repo is 
> 2.3.3-2? I was hoping to use 2.5 and wanted to install it via source.
> Is it safe to install that way and run switch-mail after?
> The other posts never mentioned switch-mail, is it ran by the system under 
> certain scenarios?
I doubt that there would be much purpose for installing/using
switch-mail if you are going to use source instead of standard packages
since the point of switch-mail is to enable the postfix package itself.

That said, I don't know why one would use CentOS and then compile
postfix from source packages and then have to assume all responsibility
for updates.


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