Hi ,

Help is needed  to restore mysql data

This is the the setup.

2 Servers running on CentOS.

one server has both apache an mysql.

the other server only has mysql database. This server has about 12000
records in the database. Last week, It had  about 6000 records. then,
Someone has  backed up these 6000 records to the web server. Now , We need
to backup all 12000 records to the webserver.

How to archive this task?

If I restore these 12000 records to the web server, it already has 6000
records. Then, whall will happen? Shoud I override them?

Remember, this is a PRODUCTION SERVER.. I should do it properly.

I think I will have to do following steps.

first, I will have to dump the mysql server backup from database server.

This is the command I will have to enter from the database server.

* mysqldump -u root -p databasename > database.txt*

then, I will have to mount a flash drive and copy *database.txt* to the
flash drive.

Then, I will have to go to the web server and mount it there.

Then, finnaly, I have to restore *database.txt* to web server as follows.

*mysql -u root -p databasename < databas.txt*


This data is extremely essential. I should be able to do it properly.


Thank you
Indunil Jayasooriya

Thank you
Indunil Jayasooriya
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