on 12/6/2007 6:46 AM Mário Gamito spake the following:

If you absolutely insist on rebuilding .. you can't call your product
CentOS or use our logos.  You can say that the product is based on CentOS.

I don't see why one would do this though, as CentOS can support millions
of users right now and is totally free to distribute in an unmodified
form.  And it is MUCH easier to only distribute several updated packages
than all those plus all ours.
Now that Prof. Dan Bernstein has put his software in public domain, I'd
like to create a distro based on CentOS that installs a complete email

That's why I want to rebuild.

I believe that SMEServer is based on CentOS and already smears itself full of qmail. And it has nice web-based configuration pages, too!

Maybe fork from there, and use a kickstart to prune or add things you want.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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