Ray Van Dolson wrote:
James are your machines Ultra 40 M2's or just plain ol Ultra 40's?
Ours is the non-M2 model and we had problems with 5.0 as well as 5.1.

However, it appears to be something related to LVM -- specifically
something the GUI installer is telling LVM to do.  If we manually set
up the partitions and LVM stuff (from the console while still at the
welcome screen), everything works fine.  It's only when anaconda
handles the partitioning and LVM setup that we run into issues.


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They're regular ol' SUN Ultra 40s. Running BIOS version 1.400 (I believe) nothing special 2 x Dual Core Opteron 240s running at 2.4GHz w/8GB of RAM.

When trying to install, my experience nearly mirrors yours perfectly. Everything is all fine and dandy until it gets about 50% way through formatting and then throws the ATA errors. When booting rescue with 5.1 I am able to format the already created LVM volume without issue, however it fails with the same errors mentioned when kickstarted.

I just performed an install today on a SUN Ultra 40 and the 5.0 trick worked without issue. Perhaps something in your BIOS? Try loading the default settings and trying again?
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