On Fri, 2007-12-14 at 09:51 -0800, Robert - elists wrote:
> Holiday Greetings!
> Ummmmm scenario is centos 4.5 standard apache webserver
> I have a client that is really struggling with website file upload concepts.
> Ive been googling for some scripts or other programs that allow uploading of
> files to proper directory(ies) after authentication
> I am definitely concerned about security issues of course.
> I have never implemented this before because everyone I have ever given a
> web address, a login, a password, and directory structure understood what
> was going on.... till now...
> Would someone consider and please share url's or other info about what
> solutions they have implemented for the website upload technically
> challenged?
> We do not mind paying if we need to get something that also helps create
> excellent yet basic websites on the fly too.
> Thanks!
>  - rh
> <snip sig stuff>

I'm absolutely brand new at that but successfully put this


up in just a couple hours, using NVU. It seems that the author has moved
on to Composer, but there are RPMs for us (I'm on a fully updated CentOS
4.x AMD Athalon box).

It seems very user friendly and is a fairly complete "suite" that
includes WYSIWYG (and raw) editing and has a "Publish" function that
only requires you to enter the source/destination URLs (URIs?).

The start of reading up all you might is here


and reasonable docs are here


and the rpm for us is here (it's wrapped)


I hope this is useful.


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