On Dec 31, 2007 12:25 AM, Bart Schaefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Were you able to select your monitor from the list or are you choosing
> some kind of generic monitor?
> Move your existing xorg.conf out of the way before running
> system-config-display so that it's forced to start from scratch.  It
> probably got the wrong HorizSync and VertRefresh values.
> If that doesn't work you'll need to find a manual or other description
> of your monitor and set HorizSync and VertRefresh and possibly a
> couple of Modeline entries by hand.

yes. i removed xorg.conf to generate it from scratch. i selected
generic 1024x768 monitor.
still cant get 1024x768 to work.
on some other distro and livecd i can even get 1280x1024.

800x600 works perfect. but it's just too low for me.
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