on 1/2/2008 8:34 PM Robert Moskowitz spake the following:
Christopher Chan wrote:

I spent much of the past 24 hours trying to find out how to set up iptables for firewall routing WITHOUT NATing. Could not find anything.

Eh? You just need to enable ip forwarding to enable routing. After that, it is put up the firewall rules as is necessary, build the appropriate routing tables on the firewall box and the boxes on the intranet(s).

iptables does not handle routing.
No, but iptables controls what is allowed to route, or it seems when you read the tutorials on iptables. I know about routing, Comer taught me, and I reviewed Stevens book. I know about firewalls; Belovin and I go back quite a ways. But configuring software to do what **I** want, well that is were the car hits the brick wall. As Belovin would say, "Here be Dragons."

Those little words, "put up the firewall rules as necessary" are equivalent to "and magic happens here."

I tried it. I had everything open. Then I blocked everything. Then I set up a rule to allow SSH in to eth0 and out eth1 (and the other way). At least I thought that was what the rules said, but no SSH connectivity through the firewall. That was when I realized that I had not found the necessary incantation, and I had already shot most of tuesday.

Up and running. I can understand what shorewall rules are saying. And I can see the results.
Just don't let the magic smoke out of the box, and you will be fine!

Learning to "speak" netfilter is not as difficult as say perl or php, but it is another thing to add to the plate, and it seems to always be "next" on the list. Unless you are going to do this regularly, your solution works just as well.

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