Virtualbox works very well for such situations as you describe.  I've done
the same thing using it.

On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 3:20 PM, Frank Cox <>wrote:

> I may have a need to run some version of Windows (XP?) on my desktop.
> As this will likely be a short-term thing, and since I have never used
> Windows, I would like to do this in the most painless way possible.  A
> method that requires me to make the least changes to my Centos computer
> would be nice, since I'll probably want to back it out again later.
> I have never used any of the current virtualization technologies, so it's
> all new to me.
> My objective is to have Window run in a window on my desktop.  I don't
> want to dual-boot my computer.
> I was looking at virtualbox.  Is this the best approach?  I get the
> impression that there are special kernel modules that are required for
> virtualbox, but if I install dkms then that will be automatically handled
> for me whenever there is a kernel upgrade.  Install dkms, install the
> virtualbox repo, install virtualbox rpms, set up image, done.  Is that all
> there is to it?  Would something other than virtualbox be better?
> Any recommendations or suggestions will be appreciated.
> Thanks!
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