On 02/19/2014 08:29 PM, Jobst Schmalenbach wrote:
> Hi.
> I posted this on the clamav list as well, as I do not know whether this is a 
> rpm issue or clamav issue.
> Strange problem indeed:
> [root /tmp] #>yum list installed "clamav*"
> Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
> Installed Packages
> clamav.x86_64             0.98-2.el5.rf                         installed
> clamav-db.x86_64          0.98-2.el5.rf                         installed
> clamav-milter.x86_64      0.98-2.el5.rf                         installed
> [root /tmp] #>
> [root /tmp] #>su clamav -c /usr/bin/freshclam
> ClamAV update process started at Thu Feb 20 12:37:52 2014
> WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!
> WARNING: Local version: 0.98 Recommended version: 0.98.1
> DON'T PANIC! Read http://www.clamav.net/support/faq
> I have checked the following:
>  - all configuration files point to the same database directory
>  - there is only one binary for each of the clamav things on the system
>  - freshclam updates with no problems
>  - clamconf report correct databases but also:
>    Software settings
>    -----------------
>    Version: 0.98
> Any ideas?
> It has been complaining about this one for some time.
> Jobst

Yes, repoforge needs to build the new version if clamav (version 0.98.1)
instead of 0.98.

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