I have an intermittent problem with my Dell blades, out of 80 blades 69 
of them kickstarted Centos 6 fine using PXE
The other 11, I get a   c0t0 not found error  (indicating it is not 
finding the local disk on the blade).

I can remote mount the iso image and do a basic install of centos on 
these blades, but when I go to do a pxe boot it gives me that error again.

I have googled the issue and come up empty handed. Dell told us to 
install centos 6 minimal ISO  then pxe install the server. This has been 
unsuccessful. I get the local ISO to install but the pxe fails again.

Since the kickstart file defines the disk as sda1  I am supposing that 
it is really a hardware problem.
But I am told by coworkers who handed it off to me that it is a known 
issue with centos and Dell blades.

These are two internal disks on the blade.

Any suggestions?


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