op 03-06-14 15:18, schreef Tim Dunphy:
  [root@uszmpwslp014lc ~]# GET http://$(hostname -i)/server-status  | grep
-i  requests/sec
<dt>4.08 requests/sec - 80.9 kB/second - 19.8 kB/request</dt>

That works ok. And next I'm grepping it back down and awking it to just the
part I'm interested in:

[root@uszmpwslp014lc ~]# GET http://$(hostname -i)/server-status  | grep -i
-e request -e requests/sec | grep -i -v -e currently  -e code  -e ss | awk
'{print $1}'

But now I need to get rid of just the <dt> in front of the 4.08?
cut --delimiter=">" --field=2

you could even get rid of the awk and pipe your grep to cut --delimiter=">" --field=2 | 
cut --delimiter=" " --field=1

But there are many different ways to solve this.


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