On Tue, Jul 08, 2014 at 02:09:49PM +0200, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn wrote:

> On 08.07.2014 13:57, Scott Robbins wrote:

> > 
> > Now that it's insinuated itself in the RHEL system, I do wonder if it is
> > going to start driving people away.  In many ways, IMHO, RH has become the
> > Windows of Linux, with no serious competitors, at least here in the US.
> > Sure, some companies use something else, but when I had to job hunt last
> > year, 90-95 percent of the Linux admin jobs were for RedHat/CentOS/OEL/SL
> > admins.
> That presumes that your conservative attitude is the majority opinion
> though. 

Very true. I do remember Adam Williamson of Fedora commenting on their
forums that he pictured many of the complainers about various changes,
including systemd, to be old white guys, which fit me to a T.  

Systemd is one of the features that I have been looking forward
> to in CentOS 7 because of the new capabilities it provides so while this
> will surely drive some people away it will actually attract others and
> if you think that this will lead to some sort of great exodus then I
> think you are mistaken. 

That's not what I said.  I said I wondered if it would.  
I suspect it won't. Whether this is good or not depends upon one's point of

Scott Robbins
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