On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 10:49 AM, Russell Miller <duskg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Jul 8, 2014, at 5:09 AM, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn <denni...@conversis.de>
> wrote:
> >
> > That presumes that your conservative attitude is the majority opinion
> > though. Systemd is one of the features that I have been looking forward
> > to in CentOS 7 because of the new capabilities it provides so while this
> > will surely drive some people away it will actually attract others and
> > if you think that this will lead to some sort of great exodus then I
> > think you are mistaken. Not everybody is this uncomfortable with change.
> >
> For the record, I'm not uncomfortable with change.  I'm uncomfortable with
> stupid,
> poorly thought out, monolithic change that ignores half a century of the
> UNIX philosophy.
> And creating a daemon that tries to handle everything but the kitchen sink
> and implementing
> it in such a way as to make it nearly incomprehensible to me certainly
> qualifies
> as that type of change.
> Sysvinit may not be perfect, but it's UNIX.  Systemd is...  a lot of
> things, but more
> of a windows-like solution than I"m comfortable with.  It's just dumb.
>  Surely there could
> have been a better way of accomplishing their goals without creating the
> equivalent of
> Cartman's Trapper Keeper.
> And yea, I'm kind of an old white guy (is 38 old?)  The guy who called
> that out as
> a negative is not helping his cause with me.  This old white guy has been
> doing Linux
> administration when some people on this list were pulling the hair of
> girls they liked
> and eating bugs.
> (and if that was yesterday, I don't want to hear about it. :))
> --Russell
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What's Windows-ish about it? It's all text files; easily available to look
And Solaris with SMF went in this direction many years ago.

Tony Schreiner
CentOS mailing list

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