On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 12:11 PM, Lamar Owen <lo...@pari.edu> wrote:
>>   That was back when
>> people actually using the systems contributed their fixes directly.
>> I had a couple of 4+ year uptime runs on a system with RH7 + updates -
>> and only shut it down to move it once.
> I remember the
> mechanisms, and the gatekeepers, involved, very well. The Fedora way is
> way more open, with people outside of Red Hat directly managing packages
> instead of contributing fixes to the 'official' Red Hat packager for
> that package.

I'm not convinced that being open and receptive to changes from people
that aren't using and appear to not even like the existing, working
system is better than having a single community, all running the same
system because they already like it, and focusing on improving it
while keeping things they like and are currently using.  With the
latter approach, there was a much better sense of the cost of breaking
things that previously worked.   With fedora, well, nobody cares -
they aren't running large scale production systems on it anyway/

   Les Mikesell
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