On 19.7.2014 1:23, Keith Keller wrote:
> On 2014-07-18, Les Mikesell <lesmikes...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> But it does force people who should be focusing on improving an
>> application to instead spend their time reconfiguring the startup
>> configuration for a distribution just to keep it working the same way.
> This seems (again) to be moving into a debate on "why systemd", when at
> least for CentOS 7 the decision has been made--it's systemd or bust (or
> a SIG for removing it).  Perhaps we should focus systemd discussions
> more on how we as CentOS users can easily adjust?  (I know, I already
> violated this principle in the thread, but I will aim not to in the
> future.)
> IOW, if people really don't like systemd, I don't think this is a
> good forum for that discussion.
It is actually funny how there seems to be so many opponents of systemd 
who want back the old ways of doing things. Even the grumpy sysadmins at 
university I work are happier with it than the old sysv init. It really 
makes their work easier.

And I have written sysv startup scripts before and I will be looking 
forward to convert them to systemd when my client upgrades to CentOS7 or 
RHEL7 depending on the machines. It seems more reasonable way of doing 
them and will also help in the task by automating many of the tasks 
which you specifically needed to take care yourself in the script before.

And for those who complain the new way is badly written, have you 
actually read those old scripts like old network service and can you 
easily understand what is going on. When reading them I could really 
understand why they were abandoned for something which promises to do 
things simpler and more sane way. Especially as they probably should be 
rewritten for the new ip tools instead of the old stuff.

But I don't mind you complaining it makes entertaining read on the 
summer work trips as local free newspaper is on summer vacation. 
Especially when I know that the things will not change back to old sysv 
way. There might be something new in future, but somehow I feel that 
there will be new group of people complaining that why change as systemd 
is good enough for them.

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