On Tue, September 9, 2014 9:33 am, Mark Tinberg wrote:
> On Sep 8, 2014, at 10:25 AM, Valeri Galtsev <galt...@kicp.uchicago.edu>
> wrote:
>> Mark Tinberg wrote:
>>>> A lack of updates can also mean that there is a lack of effort or
>>> competence
>>>> is tracking down and fixing bugs, or not a large enough customer base
>>>> with
>>>> the same bugs to generate sufficient, actionable, bug reports, it is
>>>> not
>>>> necessarily or even primarily a signal of quality.
>> You may be right. But in many cases you may be wrong. I'm stealing
>> someone's else example (Hm.., maybe about 5-7 years old): ATI releases
>> driver for their boards as rarely as every 6 Months. Which confirms
>> careful work on debugging each released one. NVIDIA to the contrary
>> releases drives as often as every other Month, so they don't seem to put
>> enough effort into debugging each of them. Indeed, they are buggy in my
>> experience. You, the customer, do at least part of their job: by
>> discovering and reporting bugs ("artefacts" etc).
> While that is an interesting point I think that graphics drivers and
> firmware are sufficiently different in development practices that you may
> not be able to generalize from one to the other, graphics drivers are
> about cutting edge software features and performance, firmware is about
> long term stability and low level hardware details.

Naturally... I never said mine is not a layman's opinion ;-) Hence
layman's comparison...


Valeri Galtsev
Sr System Administrator
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics
University of Chicago
Phone: 773-702-4247
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