On Wed, 2008-01-23 at 14:14 -0600, Les Mikesell wrote:
> Jerry Geis wrote:
> > I have a two external USB drives only 1 is connected to centos 5.1 at a 
> > time.
> > the USB drive is SLOW compared to SATA.
> > The external drive suppots both connections USB and SATA.
> > 
> > I bought  a little $5 external SATA connector that goes into the
> > PCI slot area (does not actually take a PCI slot just the backpanel)
> > and just plugs back into one of the available SATA
> > ports on the motherboard.
> > 
> > When I turn off the external drive and put the other drive on
> > the connection and then power on will SATA handle that automatically?
> > Is there a command I need to run to tell it check for new disks?
> > 
> > Is this possible?
> > Will I have to reboot to get the swapped external disk detected.
> This depends on the controller - some don't provide hotplug support. 
> There is some info here http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Hardware/sata.html.

Here's probably the same info and more, in a easier to read format
(feature matrix).  Plus has added bonus of coming from the proverbial
horse's mouth :)


/ Isn't it strange that the same people that laugh at gypsy fortune \
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