Hello out there!


Been around the block trying to get DVD support for Totem, but I keep
running into dead ends everywhere I go. Looking for CentOS 5.1-compatible
xine and xine-lib packages as that seems to be the answer, but the only ones
I find (like on DAG) seem to be just dead links or I get a message that the
mirrors are unavailable when I try to run the rpm.


Can anyone provide a link for rpm's that will provide DVD support on CentOS
5.1 32bit? I installed the Gstream rpm's so at least I have mp3 and mpeg
support, I just really want DVD support as well.


Many thanks in advance,

Manuel Alvarez


P.S. If anyone can chime in the question below I would greatly appreciate
it. I still have no idea on this one.  L



Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 5:14 PM
To: 'centos@centos.org'
Subject: Wireless PCMCIA/PC Card for CentOS 5.1?


Hello everyone,


I would really like to get wireless working on my CentOS 5.1 install. I have
a LinkSys WPC54G (I guess version 1 since no version is listed) but
everything I've read indicates that this would be a nightmare for a Linux
newbie like myself. I got as far as NDISWrapper, but right off the bat I am
getting issues with KBuild and I guess my kernel source so I can't even get
as far as compiling NDISWrapper.


My question is mainly: Can anyone recommend a PC Card for a laptop that will
work on CentOS without NDISWrapper? If not, is there an idiot guide for
installing NDISWrapper on Centos 5.1?


Thanks and best wishes,

Manuel Alvarez

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