On 10/06/14 21:45, Peter wrote:
> On 10/06/2014 03:47 PM, Mark LaPierre wrote:
>> I've been Googeling and experimenting for two days trying to find a way
>> to deal with the Intel 845-G video chipset in this Dell Dimension 2400.
>>  First, it doesn't have a DVD drive so I have to install from a CD.
>> When I try to boot into the Live CD I get a video error something like,
>> Undefined video mode number: 317.  It hangs at the splash screen.
> Lots of solutions for this in google:
> https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=%22Undefined+video+mode+number%3A+317%22
> The driver for that chipset is just the regular intel driver:
> yum install xorg-x11-drv-intel
> You never mentioned which version of CentOS you're trying to install.
> Peter

Hey Peter,

Thanks for the link.  I'm working with CentOS 6.5.

I changed the boot command from nomodeset to vga=normal

I changed the Xorg.config device from "VESA" to "Intel"

I rebooted the machine.

I now have a desktop at a usable resolution.  Thank you there!!

But, there's always a but, the text displayed on that screen is not
usable.  The text on the top bar that should say:
Applications   Places   System
A              P        S    m

The icon that is supposed to say "Computer" says "C m"

There's a dialogue box in the middle of the screen with various and
assorted consonants spread about.  I have no idea what it's supposed to say.

Any clue as to how I can fix this?

   ^ ^  Mark LaPierre
Registered Linux user No #267004
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