Perhaps RHEL/CentOS 7 are something different, however, they just change a 
little, their base used are similar. On a gnome desktop, if you want to add a 
shortcut to the desktop, you can reference xxx.desktop in 
/usr/share/application/ , than write some  similar xxx. desktop which you 
prefer and cp to the desktop directory , it's really useful..

Best wishes -----------
---------------Bill Shen
发件人: Igal @<>
发送时间: ‎2014/‎10/‎11 2:52
收件人: CentOS mailing list<>
主题: Re: [CentOS] CentOS 7 docs, tutorials, etc...

On 10/10/2014 11:44 AM, James Hogarth wrote:
> Keep in mind CentOS is a rebuild of RHEL so any resources for RHEL are
> applicable to CentOS.
> I'm not sure if any EL7 books have been written yet (as it's fairly new and
> the Red Hat certifications have only just started being updated).
> In the meanwhile one of the best resources is ... read
> the documentation there.
it's very difficult to find up-to-date books on the subject, but yes,
the docs on
are so far really good.

it's all just very confusing for someone without Linux experience.  all
the docs/tutorials/examples out there are for previous versions so they
are all out of date now that RHEL/CentOS 7 uses systemd.

also, the relationship between the OS, Gnome, and KDE is confusing.  I
installed CentOS 7 with GUI so I have Gnome 3.8.4 which I expected, but
how come I have KDE stuff there as well?

and...  I still haven't figured out how to add shortcuts to the desktop
and/or task bar which should really be a context menu option so I'm not
sure why Gnome is so un-intuitive in that case.


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