I found a better workaround. i forgot i had a usb 2.0 external cdrom drive. I booted to that and it's installing from the 64 bit cd set for centos 5. I have files a bug report about not being able to use the internal dvd drive for installations of 64 bit.

William Warren wrote:
https install is painfully slow(as i only have a 3 megabit connection) but it at least tries to install..after fighting timeouts and other connectivity issues.

32 bi installs fine..64 bit refuses to install saying i don't have the cd in the drive(irregardless if i am using cd's or dvd's.)

the https install has died 4 times now saying it's timing out..unfortunately the other 5 machines here are not having any issues.

I need a machine working pretty quick..if this is not solved soon i'll send this back and build one myself.

William Warren
Damien Solodow wrote:
Are you trying to install the 64-bit or the 32-bit?
While the install is running, some of the other virtual consoles display
logs and error information. What do those show when the install rejects your

What result did you get trying from the HTTP install?

-----Original Message-----
Of William Warren
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 11:37 AM
To: CentOS mailing list
Subject: Re: [CentOS] Re: install issues

it's a bit more complex..i had to manually enter the mirror information..but that's exceedingly minor..<G. I ma not installing centos 5 64 bit. i would like to know why no 64 bit cd or dvd will not install.

Damien Solodow wrote:
Yep. Just grab the 'netinstall' iso file and burn it. (It's about 7mb)

-----Original Message-----
Of William Warren
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 11:15 AM
To: CentOS mailing list
Subject: Re: [CentOS] Re: install issues

I just realized the old server had a cd rom not dvd..:(

I wonder if i can install directly from one of the mirrors over http?

Scott Silva wrote:
on 1/24/2008 2:17 PM William Warren spake the following:
well it boots onto my athlon64 system. what's weird is no centos dvd will install..they all die at that point. The centos 32 bit CD's also work fine. I guess something in this machine does not like centos dvd's. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm starting the centos 64 bit cd set torrent now but if i can find a solution in the next 6 hours(burning and downloading time) i'd be highly appreciative.


William Warren wrote:
I have a new dell t105(opty 1210's with 4 gigs of ram..sata hdd's and sata dvd-rom). I can bot to the Cent 5 64 bit dvd fine but once it asks where the install image is i tell it cd-rom..then it rejects the dvd spits it out and tells me it's not there. the same happens on 32 bit. I have downloaded centos5 twice now, md5 verified..and even burned at 1x(that took forever). Any ideas as to why it refuses to see a disk that's there, properly burned, and verified?

If you have another server available, you can loop mount the dvd and share it by HTTP. In the images directory is a boot.iso that you can burn to CD and do network installs.


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