On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 12:27:13PM -0500, David A. De Graaf wrote:
> It seems that /etc/locale.conf is ignored in Centos 7.
> So, /etc/locale.conf isn't totally ignored.  Perhaps xterm, or Xfce4,
> or that whatever it is awful undocumented GUI thing that starts X,
> has simply forgotten the concept of "export".

Well, I have isolated the problem to that "awful undocumented GUI thing
that starts X" - namely, gdm!

I first switched to multi-user.target, which provides the old familiar
UNIXy login: and ran 'startxfce4'.  The `env` contained both

Then I switched back to graphical.target, but also did 
yum install lightdm,  systemctl disable gdm,  systemctl enable lightdm,
and after rebooting with a graphical login, found that my two
environment variables were present in the enviroment.

So gdm, once again, demonstrates a flagrant disregard of longstanding
standards and conventions.  Ugh!

        David A. De Graaf    DATIX, Inc.    Hendersonville, NC
        d...@datix.us         www.datix.us

"That state which separates its warriors from its scholars will have
its thinking done by cowards and fighting done by fools" 
    -- Thucydides - The Pelopenisia
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