On 11/13/2014 12:58 AM, Sorin Srbu wrote:
> Hi all,

correct me if i am wrong on any of these 'note's.

> I tested with the latest available LibreOffice for Windows on the
> same Word-docs, but this one doesn't show this sluggishness.

note1: LibreOffice for oos comes from LibreOffice site, not from oos.

> Also opening PDF-documents on the samba share with Adobe Reader from
> Win7 gives this problem.

note2: "Adobe Reader from Win7" means updated from oos, not Adobe site.

> Opening e.g. jpegs and regular plain text files with Irfanview and
> Notepad++ respectively is just fine.

note3: Irfanview and Notepad++ have not been updated lately.

> Pre-CentOS 6.6 opening any file on the samba share from Windows was
> lightning-fast.

note4: oos not updated prior to CentOS 6.6 update.

> I'm not too sure where to start trouble-shooting. I've tried
> disabling the TCP autotune on Windows for starters, which a small
> improvement, but what next?


> Hints would be appreciated. Thanks.

in the past couple of months, i read an article at att.yahoo.com
that oos had started rewriting their software so that it would not
be compatible with gnu/linux servers.

so, if you have updated linux and oos systems within past few months,
i would give thought to relation of updates of both systems and when
you started noticing slowdown.

just 'swag', but may prove out.


peace out.

in a world with out fences, who needs gates.



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